Patient Index

Overcome data silos with one patient-centric platform

Unified patient data for value-based care

Imagine a world where patient data flows seamlessly across your value-based care programs, empowering you with a holistic view of patient care in a centralized data repository. This is the power of Patient Index, a consolidated collection of linked patient data from across multiple sources and systems for a unified view of patient care.

Eliminate data silos

Say goodbye to scattered information. Patient Index consolidates information across multiple sources and systems into a single, unified view.

Enhance insights

A complete picture of your patients' care experience ensures capture you capture the right data for accurate scoring and identify those at risk for targeted quality improvement initiatives.

Streamline workflows

Effortlessly access and analyze data from one platform, eliminating the need to navigate multiple systems and freeing up valuable time for your team to focus on higher-value activities.

No missed opportunities

Incomplete or siloed data can lead to missed opportunities to identify at-risk members for Risk Adjustment and Quality Improvement programs, impacting reimbursements and quality scores.

No duplicative efforts

Chasing the same member data across different systems wastes valuable time and resources.

No audit delays

Fragmented data can hinder your ability to respond to audits efficiently, potentially jeopardizing program performance.

Unleash the power of unified data

Reveleer's Patient Index provides seamless access to the wealth of clinical data housed within our Platform. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and ensures a complete picture of your member's health for both risk adjustment and quality improvement purposes.

Illustration showing detailed patient information for secure healthcare data management on Reveleer platform.

Enriching patient data to expand clinical insights

Reveleer's Patient Index taps into data sources beyond your organization to deliver comprehensive, patient-centric clinical evidence that makes and impact.

External claims data

Uncover hidden trends and risk factors by incorporating external claims data into your member profiles, revealing new at-risk members for both programs. By identifying these at-risk members proactively, you can target interventions more effectively reduce overall healthcare costs.

Social determinants of health

Gain a deeper understanding of the social and environmental factors that impact your members' health, allowing you to develop more comprehensive care plans and interventions. This can lead to improved health outcomes and potentially lower healthcare utilization, positively impacting your budget.

Emerging data sources

Stay ahead of the curve by leveraging new and emerging data sources as they become available, potentially identifying previously unseen risk factors and opportunities to improve member health and optimize program efficiency.

Automated data feeds

Streamline data collection with automated feeds that keep your member profiles constantly updated, ensuring ongoing program optimization.

Real-time updates

Gain access to the latest member information as soon as it becomes available, allowing for quicker identification of at-risk members and faster response times for audits.

Customizable data views

Tailor your data view to fit your specific needs and program requirements, focusing on the data points most critical for risk adjustment and quality improvement initiatives.